Saturday, August 29, 2009


Im going to attempt to condense this blog... i tend to write books on these things lol. Umm yeah... my anger at life or whatever it was has left me and i feel inclined to revive my morality once again. I said that my transition to high school would not yield any negative changes nor would i lose sight of ME. i failed. MISERABLY. I have fallen off track to the point that even my mental capabilities just... suck now. I feel like i've wasted four years on unneccesary friendships, pop culture and all the other nonesense. My speach, my mathmatical abilities, my work ethic... is just not ME. I've lost it and i feel i must regain it before it's too late. Several opportunities have already passed me by and it all boils down to ME.

Luckily, i've come to this reqalization quite early in life and i have family supporting me to straighten these things out. But four years of stupidity (its technically 6 yrs that i've just been stupid) is not going to disappear after one day. to this moment, things still pop up from the past that i must deal with. All part of the process. I can live with it.

That being said: OPERATION CLEAN IT UP (lol) is in effect.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie

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