Thursday, August 6, 2009

Driverssssss Start Your Eng... NO

So today I went out with my mommy and she took me to Papa Johns and I got a job. I should be happy right? Wrong. Everything that followed that happy moment led to me sleeping from roughly 3 o'clock until now. So at the place this guy tries to tell I can start tomorrow and and i'll be making $6.25. What????? No No No hold up, before my mom can accept I interject- "I thought minimum wage was $7.25?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, my mom panics and says "yes well Edem, it's different everywhere." What????? This crap is not Okie Dokie At all. Of coure the man knows what minimum wage is- he's tryna hehe "pull the wool over my eyes". I;m not having it so the man pretends as if this is a shock to him... "Oh it's $7.25? Well then that's what you'll get". Like WTF... i know no negotiation goes THAT smooth... Obviously the guy thought i was stupid. Had it just been my mother, there would have been some seriously shiesty (i think that's how it's spelled) stuff going on. So at this point I'm already irritated because my mom expected me to take $6.25..... Nah b.

So we get into the car and all the things tat have been annoying me for like the last 6 months start coming back to me. Why? IDK.... so she says "why dont we go to school and see if we can get Mr. Dyson?" No prob... I need my internship. So we go and as soon as I walk in the school I see Prince and Bernard. Kool. I dap my manzezez up lol and as I'm walking past i hear Prince ecstatic because he's got his permit. ...........WHERE THE F*CK IS IS MINE?????????? This smacked the HELL outta me like from nowhere. So yeah... I continue on anger building... no Dyson kool kool this doesn't add to my anger. I get back in the car and I know I'm RIGHT there... like the next thing to piss me off is gonna be an external reaction... so sure enough, on the way home I see this smut looking trife human in her car... u know DRIVING and stuff so i'm done. I think about the initial internship my mom blew for me because Mr. Todd (the BCPS T.V. guy asked her "who will be your son's wheels?" This man and the entire T.V. crew where on my jock telling me they'd never seen someone come in so smooth without a run through. Leave it to my mom to struggle with a basic question.. "well... i.. i... i can...". NO confidence in the statement when she said it and Mr. Todd's demeaner immediately changed. After that, maybe a week later, i get an email saying that i didn't get the internship. I NEEDED THAT BADLY.

So now I'm thinking why in hell have they been giving me grief about driving for more than a year. My dad. Once mom hears my dad say something she blindly follows... she has NO clue whats going on 60% of the time... just your dad said. this woman was so adamant about me driving when i turned 16. My dad said no because of insurance and "he's not responsible"... at first she was resistant but with some propaganda and using some statistics (fake as hell), mom was onboard. IDK man. So it builds up and i say it. "You have held me back in not letting me drive. And it's POINTLESS. Many of the things you stop me from doing have hurt me and you've seen that but you continue to be brainwashed." This is almost verbatim. So she knows it's true... doesn't get mad at first... but she says something... can't remember.. that i knew was bullshit so i went OFF. So she goes OFF with the yelling, criticizms etc.

So we get in the house and she's def getting handled so she used her favorite tactic; yelling as hard as she can to get my dad's attention so that he'll intervene. So I go upstairs to change (and if anybody reading this is African, u know their ability to exaggerate, fabricate, and lie) and i'm hearing her complaints and frankly I'm laughing because i know exactly what will happen. He'll be ofeended or some male African crap like that, adress me with some more propaganda bs and then my mom's confidence in him will So I go downstairs (big balls lol) and I am going about my business... sure enough he calls my name.. more like barks it... I hit the non chalant turn (big balls) and this upsets him even more. He tells me "if you're itching to drive because of that blue car" FUCK THE BLUE CAR. What makes him think i want that pice of shit? A '91 camry that's been sitting there for 3 years, 197,000 miles, no paint on it, bad breaks, leaking engine fluid, faulty transmission, busted exhaust pipe, old battery, and tires worn down to the point they look like Racing Slicks. NO.

So he tells me "I thought when you came back from Ghana you'd be a new person but it's obvious you're still the same." Still the same what? Kid that has shit to do and knows his parents are too busy to do anything for him and therefore are unreliable so he wants to drive himself? Yeah dad: SAME GUY. So he asks me "You think you can talk to everyone anyway you like?
" At this point I'm angry bordering insanity I guess so i reply "I got mad because I cant drive." SO he retorts, "so what do you think is the big deal that you're not driving? Who are you to get mad?" At this point I tell him how I really feal. "You guys have set a roadblock for me and you're preventing me from doing many things." So now he's FURIOUS... "IF WE'RE SUCH A ROADBLOCK GO UPSTAIRS AND PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET OUT SINCE YOU'RE A MAN. IF YOU'RE A MAN GET OUT THEN" quick q: WHo said anything about man? ahhh that's the African kicking in... "YOU THINK YOU'RE A MAN PACK YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT. IT'S THAT SIMPLE BLAH BLAH BLAH" so u know... big balls... I'm grinning and his head (if u saw it before you'd start laughing now) this massive cranium is about to POP. I'm nodding my head... i know according to the values with which i raised my actions are abominable.. but this is the collective hysteria developed after all these yrs of being manipulated and held back.

So he tells me the blue car is being towed in a couple days... Take that shit.

I go upstairs to my room, I try to blog (trust if i had blogged earlier this would be twice as long) but the computer isn't working so I go to sleep. I wake up roughly 6 hours later and this guy is still talking about me. LMFAO!!!! I must have really stuck a chord huh? So yeah...big balls... i go down stairs and get a drink.. eat etc. And he's talking to Auntie Elizabeth but he's obviously directing the conversation to me "If you want to leave then leave" blah blah blah. So I'm laughing pretty hard in my head because the main thing he brings up when he's complaining about my "responsibility" is the fact that I never watch my sister and "cater to her needs" I'M NEVER ALONE WITH HER. my aunt lives with us as the designated babysitter. How am I going to babysit when one is always there? Foolish People (refer to my first blog for more info). The few times I've had to take care of her, I've done it better than them. but that's a story for another blog... anyways following all that i come here to blog. Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.


  1. i could not help but start laughing when you described the crap car.
    oh em gee that was funny. it just sounded like something that was 'skit--worthy'.
    anywhoo, African parents hate when you mindgame them. like they hate it with a passion. i do it all the time. that was a good way to handle it. i would think you would expect all this & know how to control your anger, but like i guess this one hit you hard.
    chill out, my nigg<--haha, that was soo black!

  2. LOLZZZZ... idl man idk.. L.I.F.E.

    it's like... i didn't add certain parts of the situation to the blog... too much writing. But she like lied to me time and time again abt the whole driving thing... got my hopes up; i think i told u she gave me the book... idk man idk... Question: how long do u think they'll be mad?

    Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

  3. The 'big balls' thing was actually a Superb literary technique. I adored it. Also, I respect you more than most for saying to your father what you did. However, I don't see driving as a big of deal. Maybe it's because my mom is hindering my getting a license, but yeah.

  4. Parents... idk maybe they have a legit point...

    Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie

  5. $6.25 lmfffaaaaoooooooo lolollokoololddbfv

    Too funny.


    You handled that well? ... kinda lol. I'm missing stuff, sooooo... ya.

    Not sure how far you pushed them.

  6. Ohhhhhh I pushed them... I REAAALLY pushed them lolzzz

    Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.
