Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I realized how much of a... idk wat to call it... i find alot of faults in the things people do.. uhh its like i can look over whatever "fault" i see but the fact that i see it is stupid. I know i cant be that smart that everything ppl do seems bad to me bcause to be honest i know im not that smart at all.. just surrounded by mediocres; big fish small pond. I wonder what causes people seem so faulty me? idk...


  1. maybe it's just a habit. i don't know how many times i've told you that you sometimes have tend to be arrogant or pompous, in the sense that you tear down others---either consciously or subcosciously; idk which it is, if not both, because i haven't paid much attn---to either prove your point or smthg you believe, etc. maybe it's a habit, or maybe you're just out to terrorize us alllll! muahahahahaha lol, idk. it's early in the morning.

  2. Subconscious. It's not even like that.. it's how i think... since like as early as I can remember i've hated misinformation so if it's something that i know is true it's that much worse... when i look at someone who's confident in their ignorance i just get mad and make it a point to tear that idea off their face... that sounded kinda... yeah lol

    U said it wasn't arrogant/ pompous... anyways it's not "i'm better than you" it's more like "you're wrong. why are you still speaking yourness? yo shut up. (this part is mental) why is this person so confident? they're wrong... iight fuck it correction time"

    i think part of it comes from dad. When he's arguing he does the same thing. I watch him and think "i hope i'm noy doing that" but obviously i am... see the part of the family i picked up... embrace it Pappi

    *I know u dont believe this cause i've told u time and time and time again and u dont listen- I dont actually think i'm better than ppl- I jst talk like that to u, marcus, actually that's it. Ok Ok some other friends I have but i thought you knew the diff between my jokes and serious... idk... Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

  3. seeee! so you are a terrorist! lmfaooo. & that's one of those things i despise about we humans. we pick up shit from our parents involuntarily lol. like mannnnn wtf do i do this, i hate it when he does it me, blazay blah. it's somewhat arrogant expect you just tear down everyone else. that's why i added that part.lol i need to give a terrorist name. imma call you alibaba! lmfaooo! i didn't say you were, i just said that's how you come off. i believe you if that's what you say, but that's not what your attitude/actions are conveying to the world.

  4. Understood. I think ppl might get a better idea of who I am outside of school... I THINK i tend to b nicer outside of school. SO to the world? nah... classmates def. idk y
