Monday, August 10, 2009

Shielded Against My Will

It seems everyone thinks poetry is the key
Let's Bunch words together; create a rhyming scheme
Throw in a couple adjectives
Whimsical; full of randomness
Claim that there's a goal
Yet I read it and and cannot phathom it

As it is
I've seen sheer poetic abandonment
Lines that have been beaten beyond paralysis
The perameters? No. they no longer exist
Everyone's a "writer"
Writing a page of ___

There was a once upon a time
When once upon in time
I thrust upon a line
And thought it rare; sublime
My mind? -
No longer the gem it once was
Once loved, I'm hated;
Wounded Infected and Pussed

I don''t have much to offer
other than words and favors-
If you take away the latter;
The aforementioned chitter chatter
I'm rather a useless person
Im never seen nor do I matter


  1. This seemed to interest ppl... yay?

  2. lol, hey Lo; read Miles' comment lmfaoooo---high voice----& irony because it seems like you're coming @ poetry , but like this is a poem.

  3. Pappi!!!!! i was coming at people suck at poetry. the whole time i'm describing what i feel when i read people's nonsensical poetry

    Thank you blizzy! i love you yo.
