Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Foolish People

Ok Ok Ok... I'm new to this whole blogging thing but it seemslike something quite uuhhhhh... "therapeutic". So... i've always had very strong opinions about how foolish people "(myself included) can be... innately.... but because of the conflict caused in pointing out sheer stupidity, i've reverted back to a more conservative approach; i look, watch, observe.. all the eyes words...idk... So anyways this is a wonderful outlet for me to blast the human race for our overall stupidy though we all so deeply feel that we are smarter than the next man (or woman... no sexism here). So with all the preliminary crap said... lets get into it.... my list of things that make people foolish in no particular order. *this list will get long as FUCK assuming you can edit on blogger.com.

1. Hypocricy. Those closest to me know my BIGGEST pet peeve is hypocricy. The human race is so hypocrytical to the point that we have created systems to "exclude certain ppl or things from common law (shout outs to Oehler.. or however it's spelled) As children we're taught to be hypocrytical... "do as i say but not as i do" THE FUCK??? if i cant do that shit sit your fat ass down and wish you were allowed to do it too. I myself am a hypocrite; i do not know in what way i am hypocrytical but in being a human, i am sure i am hypocrytical.

2. Fads/ Trends/ etc. You foolish people. Do you really think that following a bunch of other people with shadow the fact that individually, you suck? Straight legs, louis vatton, g shock watches do not hide the fact that when you take your clothes off, you have shit streaks lined in your boxers. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I got it ! my hypocricy does come from my music... Miles you were right.... the very things i disdain are all wrapped up into one asshole: D-Cal. But anyways, get off your asses and strive to be an individual.. some say being you in itself is individuality- Fuck them for saying that... these are the monotonous idiots that fill the world now. Strive to add something to this world... recently, i went back to Ghana and i saw where my grandmother was buried... a filthy cemetery with graves that have collapsed on themselves... a woman who was president of this organization, adopted this person that person, payed for you to to this that and the other, is buried in a dissintigrating cemetery and all that is left of her are her children and friends' memories. ALL THAT YOU HAVE IN THIS LIFE ARE MEMORIES. if u fuck that up u may as well have not lived... that's how i see it. Make use of your existance; strive to be an individual... ADD.

3. Ignorance. Yes all of us are ignorant to some level but you stupid fucktard dick biting turd brains are useless. USELESS. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SOO IGNORANT YOU BECOME UNAWARE OF YOUR IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS. This one is a bit personal. I'm particularly referring to those who judge others on past experiences they've had with someone similar to the one they're currently judging. Let me get straight to the point. YOU DONT KNOW ME. you have no idea what i've been through, what i've yet to experience, what you're doing to me... what i can potentially do to you or any other circumstantial results that could potentialy crop up due to your lack of patience. PATIENCE. that what it takes to "learn" an individual. I was recently informed that people are turned off by my lack of approachability... WHAT????? You have never sustained a full conversation with me but you think you know me well enough to say i'm unnappraochable. if you didn't try to approach me how do you know that you cant? Societal Pussies... SP's. Those who fear the exploration of new things, new people, etc. Because you dont understand me you decide you wont like me.FUCK YOU. Another example of ignorance... Believing everything you're told. So throughout my life, of course being African people have always decided to comment on my heritage... "oh you're African.. did you ever fight a monkey?" My favorite: my fifth grade teacher Mr. Cooper saw hat I was African and asked me "Are you a Prince?" I was baffled by the stupidity of a man certified to teach me how to find context clues in books. My answer: "YES" From that day forward Mr. Cooper treated me with the utmost respect... giving me awards and grades I couldn't have possibly earned. Fuck Tard. This possibly my second biggest pet peeve... The funny thing is, most of these foolish humans are so sure whatever they are saying is correct... much as i am right now.... There's someone somewhere reading this saying "this kids an idiot". Next

4. The inability to communicate. Ok Ok Ok this may be my biggest pet peeve overall... hahaha... human nature... anyways I HATE... I mean HATE it when people say that they cant express how they feel or what has happened to them.. they know it but cant put it into words. The words i would like to use to describe these kind of people are too intense for a public forum. but just know you're a dick. So in your mind you know exactly how you feel... you can see it, feel it... it is you... you're not autistic, you suffer from no neurologically incapacitating functions but you cant express yourself... Foolish Human... idk what to even say about this one... you cant describe? not even a description? im not asking for a specific word? a description? you cant give me a description? Fool. "I dont like saying my thoughts because people alwalys blah blah blah... if you dont like expressing your thoughts dont express to me how u dont want to express you Foolish Human. If you have information or an idea that you dont want to give... say "i don't want to say it" dont tell me you cant. Your father's on his period and your mother has erectile dysfunction. Fool

5. Sentitivity. OOOOOHHHHHHHH I have somethings to say to all of you walking vaginas... Who are you to tell me what i can say? Tell me how im supposed to say it? Political Correctness is the biggest pile of shit ever. If you're gay and i want to call you a FAG then by all means... be a fag. if you feel that i am an african and therefore a MONKEY NIGGER then let it be known. Stop Holding back... that's where all this built up tension comes from... Number 4- Inability to communicate. Because you dont/cant say what you want, you build up an extreme disdain for someone/something... me, i say how i feel so people know (should know) that there's no fake sideways action taking place... what you see is what you get. this particular Foolish Fallacy embodies just about all of my pet peeves. Foolish People. If you ask me for my opinion and I tell you, as long as my answer pertained to your question, close your pussy up before an ovary slips out. I dont want to hear "omg your so insensitive" "why would you say something like that" "well i dont care what you think" if you dont care what i think let me beat some air out of you to compensate for the air i lost talking to you. Foolish People. Why do you expect me to lie to you? friendship? NO!!!! that is a bad friend! the one who lets you go out looking like a drag queen because they dont want to hurt your feelings. idk man... Foolish People... all of us.

*lol, i do not hate the human race in any way shape or form... it's the strange habits and tendencies we've developed over thousands of years that just upset me, and/or make me sad. Now that i've finished with my foolish list... let me address specifics:

Pappi is an interesting person (who's gut prob just dropped...idk) with alot of quirks and really funny tendancies. I like Pappi. Alot. But like you, me, the fag that lives behind my house, the nigger in the other room and the cripple at school (freedom of speech biiiiitch)
she has faults. my Pappi's faults come by way of idk maybe naivety and overconfidence. ...and maybe acouple dick headed friends. I dont know if my Pappi sees the big picture when she's passing day to day through life. so there's this guy... i like him.. he's alil offf like me lol, and in any other relationship i would back this guy 100% but it's Pappi. Im protective of Pappi (bet you didn't kno that) pappi who I used to despise maybe 3rd amoungst all ppl I ever met... anyways because it's pappi, and Pappi is kind at heart... i never want to see her in a predicament where she's being stupid... this stems from my mom loony dad beatings crying blah blah blah... so anyways when i sit back and watch Pappi and this guy... he needs a name.. we'll call him Jimmy.. so when i see Pappi and Jimmy's intereaction i see a rejected human being who's found someone she feels is great for her and a manipulative Jimmy, who's thought process and goals are very similar to mine, mind gaming the shiiiiiiit outta homegirl right? Right. So homeboy was able to get homegirl to bake some cakes and he ate the cakes at her bakery... (this part of the story is encoded.. you can skip ahead if you like)... and homegirl's only request was love... actually idk if that was part of the deal... but homeboy liked the cakes and kept eating them and you know females... homegirl is in love so she's handing the cakes out like headbuts in a Holyfeild fight. after a while homeboy gets tired of the cakes you know... if you keep baking cakes in one bakery the bakery gets old and wack.. so homeboy meets another baker that's actually been eyeing him for yrs... b4 Pappi... we'll call her Shaggy... so you have Jimmy Pappi and Shaggy. Shaggy wants Jimmy's Jimmy and Jimmy wants to Shag Shaggy so he does. STR8 LIKE DAT lol. Twice...No i think it was three times... prolly some good ass pu... back to the story. Jimmy cheats on Pappi and Pappi is unaware... thing is at the time, they weren't together. see Jimmy broke up with Pappi with the Hopes that Shaggy would break up her guy but the dick wasn't good enough to seperate her from her guy. So, Jimmy's there with no girlfriend, no coochie and Shaggy's moved on (not really tho).... so Pappi's here unaware of the things that have transpired... Jimmy asks for her back and Pappi says "yes"... so now the two are back together... but you know them sideline titties are weighing on my manz jimmy.... After a couple months, Jimmy lets Pappi know he got his dick wet while they were apart. SHE'S MADDDDDDDD. Like Droppin Fire Ovaries MADDDDDD and they have this big thing and all their friends (yes Foolish People are involved of course) make everything that much worse... now idk if Jimmy actually felt remorse but he def did tell her what happened. After a while, this too passes and they're back together but now Jimmy's wondering? Why r u still with me? I dont have anything special.. i'm not exactly a looker, i don't do anything spectacular u cant get somewhere else so why. Pappi's one of those #4's (see above list) so she just like "yeah idk im here and stuff so it's cool" but obviously that's not enough for him.... there's no closure in that at all... so he's still uneasy.

Now- the first time I saw some bs that made me say "wow this b**** is not the brightest) was at an event called Ring Dance... So this man calls her away toward's the end of the dance and just starts grilling her as to why she's with him (as if she's in the wrong) and u kno i said this guy is similar to me so he's turned all his gears to maximum asshole. And she's just standing there looking stupid... im standing there looking confused like "why now????" But she just takes it and once again another day passes.. But you know my mans jimmy a fuckin don so the bakery open!!!!... but yeah he's eatin the cakes and she's unhappy and everyone just sees the tension but idk she's just there. Then you have the coldness that developed as a result of the whole cheating crap... so now everybody's upset with the other person... alrite he's where my biggest issue is

THIS IS A HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP... these people are tripping of some stuff that wont last past the first semester of college.... im PERPLEXED at this point.... when me and jimmy discuss i say it's best to leave...me and Pappi talk, i say same thing but no.. she/he are dicks. now we've got a guy named kilometers... iwouldn't call Jimmy jealous of kilometers and but he def doesn't like himthe way ge once did... No trust in the relationship whatso ever... One of the catalysts for the breeakup is Jimmy saying that if Pappi moved next door to Kilometer's He'd break up with her.. she's all mad as if what he's said is not just a verbalization of howhe's been treating her...anyways idk so u know not too long after some ridiculous tension develops and she's saying she's not happy anymore, like we all see... except her, the relationship comes to an end... idk when it happened... didn't keep dtes and shit but yeah... i tell her, you didn't see this coming since.... forever... and she informs me hat she is STUBBORN.... yeah ya think?????? But it's not a good time to be sarcastic... she's "shaking" idk i think she cried... but u know my manz Jimmy on chillz... Not Kool... Pappi's a wreck and my manz on chilllz.... thinking about it now id prob hate duke it he wasn't like effin just like me and my bf in school... and to top all of this off, when he breaks up with her... she thinks there's going to b some rekindling i guess but my manz Jimmy's mom goes as hard as he does. She speaks whats on my mind: if the two of you broke up let that shit die... This is prob a good time to point out that on the whole i'm very childish but in situations like this i think like a normal adult... umm yeah i say let it die but u know clingy.. even as the breakup is taking place she's setting it in her mind that they will still be "kool"... THE FUCK??? Now, during the breakup, im constantly in touch with both parties... she's a wreck and Jimmy... yeah well jimmy is cool as ice. He doesn't care... at some point he tells that it's prob better like this and he'll just find a new girl.. even prior to the breakup, he alerted me that if she left him (shoulder shrug) i'll get another girl... this is the mind gamer of mind gamers the don of... nah that's d-cal... the best of the best when it comes down to manipulation. What i see from how he speaks is thatt basically, she is THE MOST OFFICIAL BOOTY CALL EVER... now keep in mind im on the outside looking in... but never saw the love and romance and kick it moments of a regular couple... i saw a don and a Foolish Person. To this day... idk wat he says, but to this day, she's still idk she's still what she is. This is still my manz and im conflicted bcause it's pappi... idk man... makes u not want to have friends....you dont (i dont) encounter this type of stuff but they're BOTH my besties so yeah idk... We're all abunch of foolish ppl lol... That was effing great.


  1. SundayBloodySunday! lolol. oops; that song is playing. this was very amusing, i heard you say every single word & oh mann the names were hilarioussss! i was dying. i think with stubborness comes foolishness. with this relationship thing; i don't think i've made any mistakes. i mean everything that has happened is rather unfortunate, but it's teaching me a lot of crap. i'm just rolling with the punches, G. haha. Milessss. this crap with like 'Kilometers' is just dumb; like whatever--i'm just gonna let it be. i've had two 'real' relationships in my adolescent years & with both i've learned a significant amount of skills, if i would say lol. what's happened has happened & i can't take it back. although i would like to ask you; if i leave-- which i think is fairly imposiible, on the grounds that we still go to the same school, have the same classes, are around the same ppl, etc.---what will i gain? what? the freedom to 'mess' with other ppl? the luxury of not dealing with shit?; cause if that's it, i have already attained that luxury & the freedom has always been there. i deal with so much shit, that i've almost become immune to it lol. the human race is trash & i deff know this. i fall under every single category & so do you. the fad thing; dude! i have YET to see individuality. let me know when you see it, cause that would be mindblowing. pompous much? ha! [that was effing great]. nice names, btw. Shaggy was my favorite. lol. her character seemed quite intriguing, haha. i think i'm done now--i should write this paper it's due 6:00 p.m. tonight, hehe.

  2. it's 'louis vutton.'

    ...if it were not for you overwhelming curse words; iwould have Adored this blog to the fullest.

    ----idon't like when people Scold others who take "high school relationships" as a big deal.

    we ONLY LIVE ONCE; so let us enjoy, and learn from, the things we have now.

    and although the names were creative,
    idespised them..jst use the real names.

    ,,,anyways---despite all of my negative comments; this was a really good blog.

  3. Uhhh... to Pap... Yvette lolzz umm point taken on everything you said... but when i said that was great, i was referring to the "therapeudic"ness of writing

    To miles... idk... i guess when im frustrated I curse alot... That's bcause you take hs relationships as a nig deal... idk if i truly want to learn anything from RHS girls; my Q.U.A.D. experiences r enough... i don't know if it was "nice to use real names...

    I'll def not curse half as much anymore (in my blog)

  4. ----stop caring about what is 'nice'
    & do what is true to You.

    and ido not take All highschool relationships seriously.
    we need to talk,,more.

  5. lol, you typed Yvette---why?
    & ahhhh i get it now; & i totally agree.
    oh! & i'm really psyched that like you & Miles are attempting to get close.

  6. i've been trying to tell you that all along. jeeeeez! lol.
