Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just Thoughts... Reflections

In the short period that i've been away from bloggerland, my perception of L.I.F.E. has changed soooooo much. I come to the realization that... MY PARENTS ARE RIGHT quite often. I realize that i've come down to the home stretch. Regardless of where i go to schoo,l what i do etc, i will be living in an apartment after my senior year. Very recently, i've been heavily criticized for many things i do. more so than just about any other time in my life. The difference between then and now? I UNDERSTAND. It's alllll started making sense to me now and i've dropped my resistance to their advise. Granted, i'll still have my own mind, i now take what they tell me above the notions i currently hold.

I see now that i've lived under the impression that me and "the rest of the kids" are the same. NO. i've been brought up differently and should therefore behave like it. Remember "As Told By Ginger"? There was a line in the theme song in which Macy Gray uses one of the BIGGEST cliches ever; "someone once told me the grass was much greener on the other side." This applies so heavily to my life. I have so many "maybe even most" friends/associates that give off the perception that life is good... if not good then better than bad. NO. Close examination and deep thought have helped me to see their lives are not OK. Im blessed to live in a financially stable home with mommy and daddy, every neccesity is easily acquired with room left for the frivolous things we teens thrive upon. There's no friend to assist, no governent support, family pitching in, no corruption... none of that is neccesary and i realize how much of a blessing that is.

Ummm.... i also realize my upbringing is a HUGGGEEEE part of why i am how i am. when i always thought my parents were picking on me, it has dawned on me that they have been trying to get me to mature and "skip" the stupid things in life; like most teens, i've resisted but now i think i'll take heed to more things. "It's an African thing" NO. I sat, thought, compiled and then analyzed. More than half of the African kids i know suck like shit. point blank "." Maybe it's just my fam but things seem to run much smoother than for which i give them credit. Like, love and loyalty. I hear way too often that people can't confide in their family... WHAAAAAAA??????? this BAFFLES THE F**K out of me. like seriously? IDK what i'd do if i didn't have family to talk to... i just couldn't do it. It's normal for there to be a barrier between you and "older" members of the family because of the communication barrier but like COUSINS???? I would be a depressed guy without my WHOOAAPP or my Vic, Chrizz Johnzon (lol at African Nicknames); i need my fam.

Now this just kills my spirit: "I cant talkto my fam because they talk behind my back" ???????
WHAT kind of family is that? how can people become soooo screwy they turn to breaking THEMSELVES down?

That being said, I realize there are alot of things in life that bother me and i'm done telling myself that i'm too picky or some crap like that. NO. the world is just a really nutty place. People hating other people on the basis of success that transcends their basic familiarity of happiness. That saddens me.

Followers. Like serious followers. Like SERIOUS.... iight you get the point; I can't stand it!!!! ohhhhhhh *SNARL* Ok so just about everyone who reads this is aware of the Q.U.A.D. We have a tendendancy to "share" stupid terms. "GREATNESS, DIESEL, REALNESS" and really stupid jokes. This I can't stand too. To take someone else's terms and unconsciously run with it? on multiple occations? several different instances? eww. Make your own crap people.

IDK... i think the above pet peeve plays into my "trying to fit in alil' too much" list. i'll work on it too.

Did i mention me and my sis are BFF''s? (random)

* I cant stand Mr. Me Too's. "i dont like blah blah blah" "Oh me too can't staaand it". then they turn around and do what they claim they cant stand. LOL at foolish people. Yes i can laugh at myself.

QUINTESSENTIAL UNION OF ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE. (that sounds sooooooo official lol)

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

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