Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Have You Ever:

Hehe... random questions

Have you ever noticed how people add "lol" to their texts/posts after they've said something offensive? (In order to add a "happy" connotation? smh)

Have you ever been hit in your face so hard you look at the people around you for confirmation? loooooool

Have you ever been at a critical part of a video game and it cuts off???? "aaaahhhh!!!!"- this sucks more than Kirby's.

Have you ever conceded defeat before you began a task?

Have you ever Sneezed and Farted at the same time? LMFAO

Have you ever had a mean itch in public so you squirm hoping it'll "disappear" Hehe.. or seen someone with a itch... good stuffseses

Have you ever cried in public?

Have you ever had a bug fly by your head and you flipped out afterwards? (Pappi inspired)

Have you ever looked at me and seen something you liked whether it be physical or mental?

Idk... just stuffseses. Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.


  1. oh em geeee! L M F A O! i sneeze & fart all the time! lolol, my brother is a track start when it comes to bugs. oh em gee. lolol, this is funny. haha.

  2. LOL HAHAHAAAAAA LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... lol i was NOT expecting anyone to answer that q.... Kudos u got balls yo.

    Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.
