Saturday, August 29, 2009


Im going to attempt to condense this blog... i tend to write books on these things lol. Umm yeah... my anger at life or whatever it was has left me and i feel inclined to revive my morality once again. I said that my transition to high school would not yield any negative changes nor would i lose sight of ME. i failed. MISERABLY. I have fallen off track to the point that even my mental capabilities just... suck now. I feel like i've wasted four years on unneccesary friendships, pop culture and all the other nonesense. My speach, my mathmatical abilities, my work ethic... is just not ME. I've lost it and i feel i must regain it before it's too late. Several opportunities have already passed me by and it all boils down to ME.

Luckily, i've come to this reqalization quite early in life and i have family supporting me to straighten these things out. But four years of stupidity (its technically 6 yrs that i've just been stupid) is not going to disappear after one day. to this moment, things still pop up from the past that i must deal with. All part of the process. I can live with it.

That being said: OPERATION CLEAN IT UP (lol) is in effect.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie

Just Thoughts... Reflections

In the short period that i've been away from bloggerland, my perception of L.I.F.E. has changed soooooo much. I come to the realization that... MY PARENTS ARE RIGHT quite often. I realize that i've come down to the home stretch. Regardless of where i go to schoo,l what i do etc, i will be living in an apartment after my senior year. Very recently, i've been heavily criticized for many things i do. more so than just about any other time in my life. The difference between then and now? I UNDERSTAND. It's alllll started making sense to me now and i've dropped my resistance to their advise. Granted, i'll still have my own mind, i now take what they tell me above the notions i currently hold.

I see now that i've lived under the impression that me and "the rest of the kids" are the same. NO. i've been brought up differently and should therefore behave like it. Remember "As Told By Ginger"? There was a line in the theme song in which Macy Gray uses one of the BIGGEST cliches ever; "someone once told me the grass was much greener on the other side." This applies so heavily to my life. I have so many "maybe even most" friends/associates that give off the perception that life is good... if not good then better than bad. NO. Close examination and deep thought have helped me to see their lives are not OK. Im blessed to live in a financially stable home with mommy and daddy, every neccesity is easily acquired with room left for the frivolous things we teens thrive upon. There's no friend to assist, no governent support, family pitching in, no corruption... none of that is neccesary and i realize how much of a blessing that is.

Ummm.... i also realize my upbringing is a HUGGGEEEE part of why i am how i am. when i always thought my parents were picking on me, it has dawned on me that they have been trying to get me to mature and "skip" the stupid things in life; like most teens, i've resisted but now i think i'll take heed to more things. "It's an African thing" NO. I sat, thought, compiled and then analyzed. More than half of the African kids i know suck like shit. point blank "." Maybe it's just my fam but things seem to run much smoother than for which i give them credit. Like, love and loyalty. I hear way too often that people can't confide in their family... WHAAAAAAA??????? this BAFFLES THE F**K out of me. like seriously? IDK what i'd do if i didn't have family to talk to... i just couldn't do it. It's normal for there to be a barrier between you and "older" members of the family because of the communication barrier but like COUSINS???? I would be a depressed guy without my WHOOAAPP or my Vic, Chrizz Johnzon (lol at African Nicknames); i need my fam.

Now this just kills my spirit: "I cant talkto my fam because they talk behind my back" ???????
WHAT kind of family is that? how can people become soooo screwy they turn to breaking THEMSELVES down?

That being said, I realize there are alot of things in life that bother me and i'm done telling myself that i'm too picky or some crap like that. NO. the world is just a really nutty place. People hating other people on the basis of success that transcends their basic familiarity of happiness. That saddens me.

Followers. Like serious followers. Like SERIOUS.... iight you get the point; I can't stand it!!!! ohhhhhhh *SNARL* Ok so just about everyone who reads this is aware of the Q.U.A.D. We have a tendendancy to "share" stupid terms. "GREATNESS, DIESEL, REALNESS" and really stupid jokes. This I can't stand too. To take someone else's terms and unconsciously run with it? on multiple occations? several different instances? eww. Make your own crap people.

IDK... i think the above pet peeve plays into my "trying to fit in alil' too much" list. i'll work on it too.

Did i mention me and my sis are BFF''s? (random)

* I cant stand Mr. Me Too's. "i dont like blah blah blah" "Oh me too can't staaand it". then they turn around and do what they claim they cant stand. LOL at foolish people. Yes i can laugh at myself.

QUINTESSENTIAL UNION OF ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE. (that sounds sooooooo official lol)

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blizzy Blog

So I was talking to Blizzy on facebook today (yes Miles I decided you are "blizzy") and he was fuming. Part of his anger was sucky people/circumstances that made his job way too difficult today- this happens.. i didn't really feel anything from this part. What caused me to write this blog is a specific problem he had with "people"; Foolish People of course (we are all foolish but for now that statement will be reserved for a certain type of foolish trait.

This was the exact statement... pulled from facebook chat

"well, peoplearesoFAKE. like, seriously. the things they say, and express are sooo not THEM.... Read More"

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. About all of us. As human's we canot help but to be "fake" to some degree. The difference is HOW "fake" you are. When society says "fake" in reference to a person, they are simply stating that whatever the person says does not mesh with their actions. Or vice versa.

When I read that very sentence, immediately I thought "this is my reasoning for minimizing my social activity!" See, this is one of those 'pluses and minuses' things. One may criticize me for not being outgoing, but that same person should take the time to realize I don't have as much drama or stress as the average child my age. I can also criticize them for putting themselves in a position for things to go wrong. It's pure numbers in my mind; more often than not, people are too fake to be trusted. So the MORE people you socialize with, the HIGHER your chances of being betrayed. The reverse applies to those who socialize less. I think my dad taught me this I'm not sure. My dad hates parties, clubs etc. especially when the event is prodominantly African lol. He always raises his hand and tells me "Look at my fingers. Are they all the same length?" I reply "no." He then continues, " Such is life! We as people are not the same but we always want to have what the other person has. We CANNOT all be equal. But When people see us, they become upset and talk." In my dad's case, coming from africa with many childhood friends, everybody had to strive to build... idk... their "empire". I'd say my dad built his quite well and now the people who once were his BEEEEEST friends feel neglected and betrayed. That's enough of that story.. i could write a novel off that.

So take Blizzy for example. There are soooooo many people who despise the guy. When you ask them why, they never have a substancial reason. I'd say for every 10 people that dislike him, 7 are due to jealousy. The clothes, the attention, grades... blah blah blah. But of the 7, at least 4 will still smile in his face while they shit on him behind his back.

This is how i see it: You can't get along with everybody in this world. We're just too different. There will always be SOMETHING that someone doesn't like. BUT, if this is the case, THAT DISDAIN SHOULD BE MADE COMPLETELY CLEAR. Do not smile in the face of the man you want to hurt. You only cause more problems and partake in unneccesary evils when you hide disagreement, disdain, despise. It hurts my heart that whether or not I try to make you like me, some of you will hate me regardless. It breaks my heart to know some of you who pretend to mend my hurt heart are the same ones who help those who hurt it to begin with. Tear.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shielded Against My Will

It seems everyone thinks poetry is the key
Let's Bunch words together; create a rhyming scheme
Throw in a couple adjectives
Whimsical; full of randomness
Claim that there's a goal
Yet I read it and and cannot phathom it

As it is
I've seen sheer poetic abandonment
Lines that have been beaten beyond paralysis
The perameters? No. they no longer exist
Everyone's a "writer"
Writing a page of ___

There was a once upon a time
When once upon in time
I thrust upon a line
And thought it rare; sublime
My mind? -
No longer the gem it once was
Once loved, I'm hated;
Wounded Infected and Pussed

I don''t have much to offer
other than words and favors-
If you take away the latter;
The aforementioned chitter chatter
I'm rather a useless person
Im never seen nor do I matter



So the one person outside of my family within my agegroup that I trust the most has written a blog about her lack of transperancy. Yvette told me this already but I did not know the lack of transperancy was mostly in reference to NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan idk what to say right now. This is my best friend (i think lol) and I've learned the one thing that brings me closest to hate is one of her qualities... Im conflicted... I need to call ppl. IDK what it is but there's something abt aperson smiling in your face when they have a non smiley face thought that IRKs me and strikes me as innately... im talking about my friend... this is not easy to write... almost evil. I cannot trust many ppl with anything I say because I don't know who's smiling at me while despising me at the same time... I'm rlly hurt.Africans always get on this bullshit. Especially girls. I should have seen this. OOOOORRRR maybe I saw this at one point and that fed in to my despise... no no no I wouldn't have ever liked her had i felt that way. I'm loosing it off one person. WTF. That being said, I'll continue to tell her stuff but i'll leave room for dissappointment... yoooooooo. I wasn't supposed to read that. Now wtf am I supposed to do? I hate that man I FUCKING hate that. yo. I'm fuming my ass off. WHO am I going to meet in this world that is like me? I possibly have twice as many faults as the people I see bad qualities in but the good qualities I possess seem so rare. YO. I thought i had one. OK OK.. calling Marcus to find out if he does this hold on.......................................................................................................................................................YES YES YES YES!!!!!! I LOVE U YO... PINK FUBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!

This is why I liked this guy from the effin second day of high school no homo. Transparency. So I think I found the quality I like most in people. Some say giving, others loving, some intellect, another may say loyalty. NO; Transparency.

OK so with all the crappiness Im feeling I learned something abt me. Yvette we shall speak more on FB. Can you be like be "taught" transparency?

This shit is not Okie Dokie. Okie Dokie?

EDIT: so like I'm talking to Fubar and I'm trying to convince myself she's not a bad person... He's not helping. We're more like confirming my fears than washing them away.... ?????????? He just told me she sometimes acts nice to people she doesn't like. Tear.

I asked him how about miles holding back? "Proooooobablllyyy worse than Yvette" yo. what is happening to my life rite now.

so I asked "why do they do it?" "They don't want to hurt people's feelings."

So I tell him how I interpret this. Because this is so long it is not verbatim. "So they're scared to hurt people's feelings. As stated in Yvette's blog there's some religious backing to hers. How can you say that you want to be nice by not hurting people's feelings but you act falsely towards them? OK Marcus has confirmed only Yvette does this not Miles. If Miles doesn't like you he wont talk to you. Mah Nigga. Ej has also been semi confirmed (oxymoron). Y my Pappi.

Ok Ephesians is a temporary excuse until she finds something better... I'm sad mad something... The world can Lick my Scrotum.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

Which One Do You See?

It seems that recently I've developed a new found interest in multiple people, things, and ideas. Some would say this is a normal part of life; everyday you discover something new, embark on another conquest, fall victim to a higher power. But I don't feel normal at all. I feel different... not different as in "dude the world wants to tarnish my mind so i'll acquiesce to an alternative lifestyle to shield myself from reality". No. I mean different in terms of perception. I percieve life in a completely different light from anyone I know. Even those who I feel are quite similar to me are indeed mere blemishes in the overall shadow reflecting in the mirror. You know... when you look at your shadow in a mirror, very rarely are you by yourself. There are different objects around whose shadows are also being reflected; these reflections often unterfere with the "virgin" appearance of your own unique highlight. So anyway, my difference from "the rest" makes it very difficult for people to understand me- the generic people of the world may long for this distortion of perception, but I who lives, breathes, and dreams differently longs to "fit in". I am beyond thankful to LIFE in itself for not making me different to the point that I cannot associate with the general public. I love people, I love new ideas, but I am on a different frequency when it comes to mental faculty and imagination. My values are also very deeply etched in me. I always see myself as an African Ashanti Warrior (lol) in the Middle Ages decked to the neck in his highest battle regalia preparing to fight off temptation. I love to see how little people know me... I like it that way; only those who i feel are worthy enough to see my introspective side will ever know it exists. This is mostly family... cousins especially. Wooaap. Sometimes I wonder if even my closest friends have a good picture of who I am. I know by all means there is a skewed picture of ME but I wonder just HOW skewed it is. It may seem wrong but i intentionally give off certain pieces in order to give you the "Edem" I think you deserve to see. Which Edem do You See?

I feel like I should be more open to the general public about myself but as I ranted about in an earlier blog, the world is full of Foolish People. I love you all but you're fools. I too am a fool, but like a flu shot, I've been given small doses of myself to eventually make me immune to my own stupidity. L.I.F.E.

*This marks the first indtrospective blog I've written without irritation. lol yayeee.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Kinda stuff is this man?? So I've been tryna get a job for roughly two years now. For the first year, I simply wasn't able to get one... parents; u know how that goes... so then after that, when my dad buys a new house he says it's ok for me to get a job... (SIDEBAR: i wonder what pappi and i's parents would say if they read this stuff...) So for one year, I'm applying to all types of places... daycares, fast food places, strip clubs, FBI Sanitation work (not really), and i come up with nothing. SOo finalllllllllllly, after a year of applying to places, my mom goes to buy Pappa John's and $6.25 gets into a convo with my mom about jobs... it just so happens this guy has a number of positions open and he's willing to give me one... So next day, my mom brings me, he likes me, he says that I can start as early as tomorrow (Friday) So i'm like "YO MONEY" so my yahhhzz get hard at the thought of the following day. FOLLOWING DAY COMES- we go to the Pappa Johns and $6.25, he's not in yet. Homegirl behind the counter informs us that homeboy doesn't come until 5 and therefore i cant do anything at that particular time. So my mom start droppin ovaries and shit talking about "well i don't like that, that's not good business blah blah blah." so i'm peeved. We leave and i'm assuming we'll come back at 5. NO.


(lol at anybody that tried to read that)

She tells me she doesn't trust the job so she will get me a better job. Reject, you've been trying to get me a job for a year and you've failed miserably... now you're telling me you can get me a job in the JEWISH CONVELACENT KITCHEN?????????????????????????? So i'm furious because i need back to school stuff and i know this is another time period.... (don't worry there will be a blog on that in the subsequent days)... i'm VERY ANGRY... but i still have room for infuriation- this will come if there's no Jewish Convelacent position.

She also informs me that there's many positions open in her job in the kitchen area. How the fuck will i get there? HOW THE F**K WILL I GET THERE? HOW THE F**K WILL I GET THERE??????


the fuck.

so i'm fuuuuuuuuuuming... livid... convulsed... splenetic... VEXED. and she's trying to get angry with me. ???????? WTF are you mad for? i should push u out the car.

then we'd see who has to drive... hehe

Yo T.I.'s wife is UGLY.... look like Raven Symone with Up Syndrome. Mofuckin Missy Elliot with Vitiligo....

So yeah i'm thinking you KNOW UR FUCKING my life up but you wont fix that stuff. Wow.

Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

oh- i'd better b working within a week

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Driverssssss Start Your Eng... NO

So today I went out with my mommy and she took me to Papa Johns and I got a job. I should be happy right? Wrong. Everything that followed that happy moment led to me sleeping from roughly 3 o'clock until now. So at the place this guy tries to tell I can start tomorrow and and i'll be making $6.25. What????? No No No hold up, before my mom can accept I interject- "I thought minimum wage was $7.25?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, my mom panics and says "yes well Edem, it's different everywhere." What????? This crap is not Okie Dokie At all. Of coure the man knows what minimum wage is- he's tryna hehe "pull the wool over my eyes". I;m not having it so the man pretends as if this is a shock to him... "Oh it's $7.25? Well then that's what you'll get". Like WTF... i know no negotiation goes THAT smooth... Obviously the guy thought i was stupid. Had it just been my mother, there would have been some seriously shiesty (i think that's how it's spelled) stuff going on. So at this point I'm already irritated because my mom expected me to take $6.25..... Nah b.

So we get into the car and all the things tat have been annoying me for like the last 6 months start coming back to me. Why? IDK.... so she says "why dont we go to school and see if we can get Mr. Dyson?" No prob... I need my internship. So we go and as soon as I walk in the school I see Prince and Bernard. Kool. I dap my manzezez up lol and as I'm walking past i hear Prince ecstatic because he's got his permit. ...........WHERE THE F*CK IS IS MINE?????????? This smacked the HELL outta me like from nowhere. So yeah... I continue on anger building... no Dyson kool kool this doesn't add to my anger. I get back in the car and I know I'm RIGHT there... like the next thing to piss me off is gonna be an external reaction... so sure enough, on the way home I see this smut looking trife human in her car... u know DRIVING and stuff so i'm done. I think about the initial internship my mom blew for me because Mr. Todd (the BCPS T.V. guy asked her "who will be your son's wheels?" This man and the entire T.V. crew where on my jock telling me they'd never seen someone come in so smooth without a run through. Leave it to my mom to struggle with a basic question.. "well... i.. i... i can...". NO confidence in the statement when she said it and Mr. Todd's demeaner immediately changed. After that, maybe a week later, i get an email saying that i didn't get the internship. I NEEDED THAT BADLY.

So now I'm thinking why in hell have they been giving me grief about driving for more than a year. My dad. Once mom hears my dad say something she blindly follows... she has NO clue whats going on 60% of the time... just your dad said. this woman was so adamant about me driving when i turned 16. My dad said no because of insurance and "he's not responsible"... at first she was resistant but with some propaganda and using some statistics (fake as hell), mom was onboard. IDK man. So it builds up and i say it. "You have held me back in not letting me drive. And it's POINTLESS. Many of the things you stop me from doing have hurt me and you've seen that but you continue to be brainwashed." This is almost verbatim. So she knows it's true... doesn't get mad at first... but she says something... can't remember.. that i knew was bullshit so i went OFF. So she goes OFF with the yelling, criticizms etc.

So we get in the house and she's def getting handled so she used her favorite tactic; yelling as hard as she can to get my dad's attention so that he'll intervene. So I go upstairs to change (and if anybody reading this is African, u know their ability to exaggerate, fabricate, and lie) and i'm hearing her complaints and frankly I'm laughing because i know exactly what will happen. He'll be ofeended or some male African crap like that, adress me with some more propaganda bs and then my mom's confidence in him will So I go downstairs (big balls lol) and I am going about my business... sure enough he calls my name.. more like barks it... I hit the non chalant turn (big balls) and this upsets him even more. He tells me "if you're itching to drive because of that blue car" FUCK THE BLUE CAR. What makes him think i want that pice of shit? A '91 camry that's been sitting there for 3 years, 197,000 miles, no paint on it, bad breaks, leaking engine fluid, faulty transmission, busted exhaust pipe, old battery, and tires worn down to the point they look like Racing Slicks. NO.

So he tells me "I thought when you came back from Ghana you'd be a new person but it's obvious you're still the same." Still the same what? Kid that has shit to do and knows his parents are too busy to do anything for him and therefore are unreliable so he wants to drive himself? Yeah dad: SAME GUY. So he asks me "You think you can talk to everyone anyway you like?
" At this point I'm angry bordering insanity I guess so i reply "I got mad because I cant drive." SO he retorts, "so what do you think is the big deal that you're not driving? Who are you to get mad?" At this point I tell him how I really feal. "You guys have set a roadblock for me and you're preventing me from doing many things." So now he's FURIOUS... "IF WE'RE SUCH A ROADBLOCK GO UPSTAIRS AND PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET OUT SINCE YOU'RE A MAN. IF YOU'RE A MAN GET OUT THEN" quick q: WHo said anything about man? ahhh that's the African kicking in... "YOU THINK YOU'RE A MAN PACK YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT. IT'S THAT SIMPLE BLAH BLAH BLAH" so u know... big balls... I'm grinning and his head (if u saw it before you'd start laughing now) this massive cranium is about to POP. I'm nodding my head... i know according to the values with which i raised my actions are abominable.. but this is the collective hysteria developed after all these yrs of being manipulated and held back.

So he tells me the blue car is being towed in a couple days... Take that shit.

I go upstairs to my room, I try to blog (trust if i had blogged earlier this would be twice as long) but the computer isn't working so I go to sleep. I wake up roughly 6 hours later and this guy is still talking about me. LMFAO!!!! I must have really stuck a chord huh? So yeah...big balls... i go down stairs and get a drink.. eat etc. And he's talking to Auntie Elizabeth but he's obviously directing the conversation to me "If you want to leave then leave" blah blah blah. So I'm laughing pretty hard in my head because the main thing he brings up when he's complaining about my "responsibility" is the fact that I never watch my sister and "cater to her needs" I'M NEVER ALONE WITH HER. my aunt lives with us as the designated babysitter. How am I going to babysit when one is always there? Foolish People (refer to my first blog for more info). The few times I've had to take care of her, I've done it better than them. but that's a story for another blog... anyways following all that i come here to blog. Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Have You Ever:

Hehe... random questions

Have you ever noticed how people add "lol" to their texts/posts after they've said something offensive? (In order to add a "happy" connotation? smh)

Have you ever been hit in your face so hard you look at the people around you for confirmation? loooooool

Have you ever been at a critical part of a video game and it cuts off???? "aaaahhhh!!!!"- this sucks more than Kirby's.

Have you ever conceded defeat before you began a task?

Have you ever Sneezed and Farted at the same time? LMFAO

Have you ever had a mean itch in public so you squirm hoping it'll "disappear" Hehe.. or seen someone with a itch... good stuffseses

Have you ever cried in public?

Have you ever had a bug fly by your head and you flipped out afterwards? (Pappi inspired)

Have you ever looked at me and seen something you liked whether it be physical or mental?

Idk... just stuffseses. Okie Dokie? Okie Dokie.


So sometimes i sit and i wonder why i am the way i am.. as far as emotions, thought process, vocal intonations... all the things that make Edem "Edem". And often times i despise these things... but then sometimes I LOVE ME.`Like right now... right now i LOVE ME. I am satisfied with ME. I know that im in a good state of mind and i am at peace with ME.

You know, as confident and arrogant as I seem to some, my confidence in my abilities is often very low. Idk; I dread doing things in front of others but when i suck it up and execute, i usually do very well. Awards accolades etc, i've gotten them all but regardless, i still dread public exhibitions of ability.

But then sometimes my confidence level is sky high. Why? Idk.

Then another thing... my aggression and "meanness" to others. Sometimes i have absdolutely no affection or regard for others' feelings but then sometimes i'm the most considerate indidvidual. It's not something that i plan or put forth as a goal... this makes me wonder which one I am at heart: Nice or Mean. I can be so cold hearted at one moment and give the clothes off my back to the first person that asks... what am I? Conflicted

This also makes me wonder what the general perception is of me.. in the real world... I've been informed that I'm too aloof in school for people to rlly know me... Idk

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I realized how much of a... idk wat to call it... i find alot of faults in the things people do.. uhh its like i can look over whatever "fault" i see but the fact that i see it is stupid. I know i cant be that smart that everything ppl do seems bad to me bcause to be honest i know im not that smart at all.. just surrounded by mediocres; big fish small pond. I wonder what causes people seem so faulty me? idk...

So I Just Woke Up

Well yeah when you go to sleep around 6 o'clock the chances of you waking up around three increase heavily.... so i'm here, i haven't communicated with anybody since i wrote the blog.... I assume that SOMEONE has read it by now... let me get back to society and then I'll follow up with initial reactions, disputes, corrections... with all the stuff i wrote there has to be discrepancies... idk.... i'll be back... okie dokie? okie dokie.

Foolish People

Ok Ok Ok... I'm new to this whole blogging thing but it seemslike something quite uuhhhhh... "therapeutic". So... i've always had very strong opinions about how foolish people "(myself included) can be... innately.... but because of the conflict caused in pointing out sheer stupidity, i've reverted back to a more conservative approach; i look, watch, observe.. all the eyes words...idk... So anyways this is a wonderful outlet for me to blast the human race for our overall stupidy though we all so deeply feel that we are smarter than the next man (or woman... no sexism here). So with all the preliminary crap said... lets get into it.... my list of things that make people foolish in no particular order. *this list will get long as FUCK assuming you can edit on

1. Hypocricy. Those closest to me know my BIGGEST pet peeve is hypocricy. The human race is so hypocrytical to the point that we have created systems to "exclude certain ppl or things from common law (shout outs to Oehler.. or however it's spelled) As children we're taught to be hypocrytical... "do as i say but not as i do" THE FUCK??? if i cant do that shit sit your fat ass down and wish you were allowed to do it too. I myself am a hypocrite; i do not know in what way i am hypocrytical but in being a human, i am sure i am hypocrytical.

2. Fads/ Trends/ etc. You foolish people. Do you really think that following a bunch of other people with shadow the fact that individually, you suck? Straight legs, louis vatton, g shock watches do not hide the fact that when you take your clothes off, you have shit streaks lined in your boxers. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I got it ! my hypocricy does come from my music... Miles you were right.... the very things i disdain are all wrapped up into one asshole: D-Cal. But anyways, get off your asses and strive to be an individual.. some say being you in itself is individuality- Fuck them for saying that... these are the monotonous idiots that fill the world now. Strive to add something to this world... recently, i went back to Ghana and i saw where my grandmother was buried... a filthy cemetery with graves that have collapsed on themselves... a woman who was president of this organization, adopted this person that person, payed for you to to this that and the other, is buried in a dissintigrating cemetery and all that is left of her are her children and friends' memories. ALL THAT YOU HAVE IN THIS LIFE ARE MEMORIES. if u fuck that up u may as well have not lived... that's how i see it. Make use of your existance; strive to be an individual... ADD.

3. Ignorance. Yes all of us are ignorant to some level but you stupid fucktard dick biting turd brains are useless. USELESS. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SOO IGNORANT YOU BECOME UNAWARE OF YOUR IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS. This one is a bit personal. I'm particularly referring to those who judge others on past experiences they've had with someone similar to the one they're currently judging. Let me get straight to the point. YOU DONT KNOW ME. you have no idea what i've been through, what i've yet to experience, what you're doing to me... what i can potentially do to you or any other circumstantial results that could potentialy crop up due to your lack of patience. PATIENCE. that what it takes to "learn" an individual. I was recently informed that people are turned off by my lack of approachability... WHAT????? You have never sustained a full conversation with me but you think you know me well enough to say i'm unnappraochable. if you didn't try to approach me how do you know that you cant? Societal Pussies... SP's. Those who fear the exploration of new things, new people, etc. Because you dont understand me you decide you wont like me.FUCK YOU. Another example of ignorance... Believing everything you're told. So throughout my life, of course being African people have always decided to comment on my heritage... "oh you're African.. did you ever fight a monkey?" My favorite: my fifth grade teacher Mr. Cooper saw hat I was African and asked me "Are you a Prince?" I was baffled by the stupidity of a man certified to teach me how to find context clues in books. My answer: "YES" From that day forward Mr. Cooper treated me with the utmost respect... giving me awards and grades I couldn't have possibly earned. Fuck Tard. This possibly my second biggest pet peeve... The funny thing is, most of these foolish humans are so sure whatever they are saying is correct... much as i am right now.... There's someone somewhere reading this saying "this kids an idiot". Next

4. The inability to communicate. Ok Ok Ok this may be my biggest pet peeve overall... hahaha... human nature... anyways I HATE... I mean HATE it when people say that they cant express how they feel or what has happened to them.. they know it but cant put it into words. The words i would like to use to describe these kind of people are too intense for a public forum. but just know you're a dick. So in your mind you know exactly how you feel... you can see it, feel it... it is you... you're not autistic, you suffer from no neurologically incapacitating functions but you cant express yourself... Foolish Human... idk what to even say about this one... you cant describe? not even a description? im not asking for a specific word? a description? you cant give me a description? Fool. "I dont like saying my thoughts because people alwalys blah blah blah... if you dont like expressing your thoughts dont express to me how u dont want to express you Foolish Human. If you have information or an idea that you dont want to give... say "i don't want to say it" dont tell me you cant. Your father's on his period and your mother has erectile dysfunction. Fool

5. Sentitivity. OOOOOHHHHHHHH I have somethings to say to all of you walking vaginas... Who are you to tell me what i can say? Tell me how im supposed to say it? Political Correctness is the biggest pile of shit ever. If you're gay and i want to call you a FAG then by all means... be a fag. if you feel that i am an african and therefore a MONKEY NIGGER then let it be known. Stop Holding back... that's where all this built up tension comes from... Number 4- Inability to communicate. Because you dont/cant say what you want, you build up an extreme disdain for someone/something... me, i say how i feel so people know (should know) that there's no fake sideways action taking place... what you see is what you get. this particular Foolish Fallacy embodies just about all of my pet peeves. Foolish People. If you ask me for my opinion and I tell you, as long as my answer pertained to your question, close your pussy up before an ovary slips out. I dont want to hear "omg your so insensitive" "why would you say something like that" "well i dont care what you think" if you dont care what i think let me beat some air out of you to compensate for the air i lost talking to you. Foolish People. Why do you expect me to lie to you? friendship? NO!!!! that is a bad friend! the one who lets you go out looking like a drag queen because they dont want to hurt your feelings. idk man... Foolish People... all of us.

*lol, i do not hate the human race in any way shape or form... it's the strange habits and tendencies we've developed over thousands of years that just upset me, and/or make me sad. Now that i've finished with my foolish list... let me address specifics:

Pappi is an interesting person (who's gut prob just dropped...idk) with alot of quirks and really funny tendancies. I like Pappi. Alot. But like you, me, the fag that lives behind my house, the nigger in the other room and the cripple at school (freedom of speech biiiiitch)
she has faults. my Pappi's faults come by way of idk maybe naivety and overconfidence. ...and maybe acouple dick headed friends. I dont know if my Pappi sees the big picture when she's passing day to day through life. so there's this guy... i like him.. he's alil offf like me lol, and in any other relationship i would back this guy 100% but it's Pappi. Im protective of Pappi (bet you didn't kno that) pappi who I used to despise maybe 3rd amoungst all ppl I ever met... anyways because it's pappi, and Pappi is kind at heart... i never want to see her in a predicament where she's being stupid... this stems from my mom loony dad beatings crying blah blah blah... so anyways when i sit back and watch Pappi and this guy... he needs a name.. we'll call him Jimmy.. so when i see Pappi and Jimmy's intereaction i see a rejected human being who's found someone she feels is great for her and a manipulative Jimmy, who's thought process and goals are very similar to mine, mind gaming the shiiiiiiit outta homegirl right? Right. So homeboy was able to get homegirl to bake some cakes and he ate the cakes at her bakery... (this part of the story is encoded.. you can skip ahead if you like)... and homegirl's only request was love... actually idk if that was part of the deal... but homeboy liked the cakes and kept eating them and you know females... homegirl is in love so she's handing the cakes out like headbuts in a Holyfeild fight. after a while homeboy gets tired of the cakes you know... if you keep baking cakes in one bakery the bakery gets old and wack.. so homeboy meets another baker that's actually been eyeing him for yrs... b4 Pappi... we'll call her Shaggy... so you have Jimmy Pappi and Shaggy. Shaggy wants Jimmy's Jimmy and Jimmy wants to Shag Shaggy so he does. STR8 LIKE DAT lol. Twice...No i think it was three times... prolly some good ass pu... back to the story. Jimmy cheats on Pappi and Pappi is unaware... thing is at the time, they weren't together. see Jimmy broke up with Pappi with the Hopes that Shaggy would break up her guy but the dick wasn't good enough to seperate her from her guy. So, Jimmy's there with no girlfriend, no coochie and Shaggy's moved on (not really tho).... so Pappi's here unaware of the things that have transpired... Jimmy asks for her back and Pappi says "yes"... so now the two are back together... but you know them sideline titties are weighing on my manz jimmy.... After a couple months, Jimmy lets Pappi know he got his dick wet while they were apart. SHE'S MADDDDDDDD. Like Droppin Fire Ovaries MADDDDDD and they have this big thing and all their friends (yes Foolish People are involved of course) make everything that much worse... now idk if Jimmy actually felt remorse but he def did tell her what happened. After a while, this too passes and they're back together but now Jimmy's wondering? Why r u still with me? I dont have anything special.. i'm not exactly a looker, i don't do anything spectacular u cant get somewhere else so why. Pappi's one of those #4's (see above list) so she just like "yeah idk im here and stuff so it's cool" but obviously that's not enough for him.... there's no closure in that at all... so he's still uneasy.

Now- the first time I saw some bs that made me say "wow this b**** is not the brightest) was at an event called Ring Dance... So this man calls her away toward's the end of the dance and just starts grilling her as to why she's with him (as if she's in the wrong) and u kno i said this guy is similar to me so he's turned all his gears to maximum asshole. And she's just standing there looking stupid... im standing there looking confused like "why now????" But she just takes it and once again another day passes.. But you know my mans jimmy a fuckin don so the bakery open!!!!... but yeah he's eatin the cakes and she's unhappy and everyone just sees the tension but idk she's just there. Then you have the coldness that developed as a result of the whole cheating crap... so now everybody's upset with the other person... alrite he's where my biggest issue is

THIS IS A HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP... these people are tripping of some stuff that wont last past the first semester of college.... im PERPLEXED at this point.... when me and jimmy discuss i say it's best to and Pappi talk, i say same thing but no.. she/he are dicks. now we've got a guy named kilometers... iwouldn't call Jimmy jealous of kilometers and but he def doesn't like himthe way ge once did... No trust in the relationship whatso ever... One of the catalysts for the breeakup is Jimmy saying that if Pappi moved next door to Kilometer's He'd break up with her.. she's all mad as if what he's said is not just a verbalization of howhe's been treating her...anyways idk so u know not too long after some ridiculous tension develops and she's saying she's not happy anymore, like we all see... except her, the relationship comes to an end... idk when it happened... didn't keep dtes and shit but yeah... i tell her, you didn't see this coming since.... forever... and she informs me hat she is STUBBORN.... yeah ya think?????? But it's not a good time to be sarcastic... she's "shaking" idk i think she cried... but u know my manz Jimmy on chillz... Not Kool... Pappi's a wreck and my manz on chilllz.... thinking about it now id prob hate duke it he wasn't like effin just like me and my bf in school... and to top all of this off, when he breaks up with her... she thinks there's going to b some rekindling i guess but my manz Jimmy's mom goes as hard as he does. She speaks whats on my mind: if the two of you broke up let that shit die... This is prob a good time to point out that on the whole i'm very childish but in situations like this i think like a normal adult... umm yeah i say let it die but u know clingy.. even as the breakup is taking place she's setting it in her mind that they will still be "kool"... THE FUCK??? Now, during the breakup, im constantly in touch with both parties... she's a wreck and Jimmy... yeah well jimmy is cool as ice. He doesn't care... at some point he tells that it's prob better like this and he'll just find a new girl.. even prior to the breakup, he alerted me that if she left him (shoulder shrug) i'll get another girl... this is the mind gamer of mind gamers the don of... nah that's d-cal... the best of the best when it comes down to manipulation. What i see from how he speaks is thatt basically, she is THE MOST OFFICIAL BOOTY CALL EVER... now keep in mind im on the outside looking in... but never saw the love and romance and kick it moments of a regular couple... i saw a don and a Foolish Person. To this day... idk wat he says, but to this day, she's still idk she's still what she is. This is still my manz and im conflicted bcause it's pappi... idk man... makes u not want to have dont (i dont) encounter this type of stuff but they're BOTH my besties so yeah idk... We're all abunch of foolish ppl lol... That was effing great.