Friday, January 29, 2010


So I came to a realization today after looking at people in grocery stores (lol yes very random) Specifically Mars and Wal Mart- By my standards, alot of people's living conditions suck. I mean like, I saw all these people with missing teeth and holes in their jeans (not homeless) extra obese, really sad looking in the face, and it made me extremely uncomfortable. Now with this "realization", I felt even better about the little things in life that people take for granted. Health insurance- hella sick people in this world with no funds to pay for it. A washing machine- YES A WASHING MACHINE. People, especially those who live in apt complexes that don't have machines have to go the laundry mat- that's money, time and energy wasted on something I can just go down stairs, push a button and forget about.

What hit me the most was thinking about what these people may have been like at my age- they had dreams too. They had a picture in their minds, but i highly doubt that their current condition is an accurate reflection of it. This then brought me to my peers... none of the people in my school, except for maybe this one kid, even slightly resembles what I saw in these stores today. IN AMERICA!!! It is quite saddening. Anyways, when i thought of my peers and looked at these people, I wondered, "how many of my friends/associates/ acquaintances are going to look like this in 15 years?" WOW. Some of these victims of "a dream deferred" were once the future engineers, pharmacists, doctors, athletes and lawyers of the world. Enough to make me blog right?

I really don't want to be like that when I get older... I don't even have family like that so maybe it's in my best interests to take alot of their advice? Is it? Maybe. Life is theeee most complicated 4 letter word- even more so than love because life embodies love in addition to hate and all the other things people can't seem to figure out. <--- someone disagrees with this...

You know what really sucks? Last time i blogged I basically wrote about lonliness. These people looked like the visual definition of lonely... like if loniness has a pictuire in the dictionary, this is what one would see. It suckedddddd. So now i wonder, is that how I look/am? IDK... I doubt it but hey, as Tupac said "It's hard going through life knowing no one loves you" <--- I admit that's a bit extreme lol I have fam but still =/

I've been doing some uhhh... self-'revolutionary' type thinking for the past 3 weeks lmao... I need a journal or a human suitcase... i feel like ppl won't get that... suitcase... pack stuff inside... human to 'pack stuff inside' watev- Paying the Price for being Different O_o

Okie Dokie???????

Okie Dokie.

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